Exploring the End of Life Care – Hospice Care

Did you know a majority of seniors die in institutions although they prefer to spend the last few days of their lives at their homes? Although circumstances play an important role, the lack of information or misconceptions often affects the choices they make.

Hospice care increases a patient’s chance to live a comfortable life and die in his home. At Inspiration Hospice, we want to educate family caregivers about the benefits offered by hospice care.

When it comes to hospice, people often have a lot of misconceptions. For instance, people believe that:

  • When someone is put in hospice, he dies right away
  • Hospice is a place or facility
  • Hospice is for those who only have a few days left to live
  • Hospice care means doing nothing
  • Under hospice care all treatments are discontinued

However, this is far from the reality. Actually, Hospice:

  • Do not hasten or postpones death
  • Affirms life
  • Is a belief that each person should die with dignity
  • Focuses on the patient’s spiritual, physical, social, and emotional needs
  • Offers pain management, expert medical care and emotional support

The hospice interdisciplinary team focuses on improving the patient’s quality of life while considering his wishes.

Our mission is to provide the best services for your life better.

The Inspiration Hospice team is thorough professional, everyone is so kind and they helped us get answers to our questions.
Words are inadequate to describe how much I appreciate what they did to help my father pass away peacefully. Words cannot express our thanks for all the care they provided.
Worth recommending!!!

– Jason Eric, Salt Lake City

Are you looking for comfort care for your loved ones?

Inspiration Hospice provides reliable and quality hospice services for terminally ill patients who have 6 months or less to live. Get in touch with our care navigator to find out more on the subject. Call (385) 247-2020!

Inspiration Hospice provides reliable and quality hospice services for patients who have been diagnosed with 6 months or less to live

The earlier you enrol with Hospice care, the better. There are a lot more treatment options available to make the experience better for the patient and the families during this difficult time.

Get in touch with our care navigation specialist at Inspiration Hospice to get your specific questions answered. Call (385) 247-2020 Today!