How Long Does Hospice Last?

Did your loved one receive a doctor’s recommendation for hospice care? Are you worried about how long will they be living in hospice? While there is no single answer to this question as every patient is different, hospice is often recommended to people who have less than 6 months to live.

Hospice Care Qualification

For a patient to receive hospice care, he must meet the eligibility requirements established by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. If you have insurance such as Medicare or Medicaid and if two physicians certify that you have less than 6 months to live, you are eligible for free hospice care.

Also, it must be remembered that patients do get discharged from hospice. Patients are reevaluated every 6 months to access whether they still qualify for hospice care or not. If the patient’s condition improves, they are allowed to stop hospice care!

Our mission is to provide the best services for your life better.

The Inspiration Hospice team is thorough professional, everyone is so kind and they helped us get answers to our questions.
Words are inadequate to describe how much I appreciate what they did to help my father pass away peacefully. Words cannot express our thanks for all the care they provided.
Worth recommending!!!

– Jason Eric, Salt Lake City

Get the Care You Need, When You Need!

Inspiration Hospice is on a mission to provide better services to the patient and their family members. We take pride in helping patients living with a terminal illness and their families experience an improved quality of life.

For more information, reach out to us at (385) 247-2020 or visit https://care.inspirationhospice.com.

Inspiration Hospice provides reliable and quality hospice services for patients who have been diagnosed with 6 months or less to live

The earlier you enrol with Hospice care, the better. There are a lot more treatment options available to make the experience better for the patient and the families during this difficult time.

Get in touch with our care navigation specialist at Inspiration Hospice to get your specific questions answered. Call (385) 247-2020 Today!